I must give +++ to Overseas Restaurant's Dim-Sum, Sri Petaling outlet. The traditional & authenticity of the ambiance and way of serving allow you to enjoy the origin of the dim-sum taste and this is the first dim-sum place that no chili sauce and sweet sauce are required.
Within the restaurant, no bottles of chili sauce and sweet sauce that you'll find on the table like most of the other dim-sum restaurants in town. I would say it is almost perfect, at least on all items that I've ordered - "Steaming hot siew-,mai & ha-gao, boiling hot claypot porridge, crispy carrot cake, smoky hot cha-siew-pao (steam BBQ pork dumpling), tender and chewy bite yu-mai (fried fish ball), and soft-bite and watery bean-curd puff stuffed"!
This is the place you'll realize "value for money" food is serve, although only limited choices with quality dim-sum are available for you to choose from.
No much comments I would spell out here as it fit my appetite perfectly, let's try out yourself and you may have difference comments from mind perhaps.